Compile and link NS3 program with external library

You can compile and link your NS3 program with an external library. For example, your program “” is under


and you want to link to, e.g., a static library named “libfoo.a” that is under ~/LIBDIR/lib directory
and library header file exists under ~/LIBDIR/include.
First include the library header file into your “” as


Now open the NS3-BASE-DIR/examples/myapp/wscript and add build information for your program as follows

def build(bld):
    obj = bld.create_ns3_program('prog_name', ['core', 'network', """... modules your program depends on"""])
    obj.source = ''
    obj.env.append_value("CXXFLAGS", "-I/Absolute-path-to-LIBDIR/include")
    obj.env.append_value("LINKFLAGS", ["-L/Absolute-path-to-LIBDIR/lib"])
    obj.env.append_value("LIB", ["foo"])

This method is tested on NS-3.15.


    1. Could you help me?
      I´m trying to link the openssl library to ns3 but I cant make it work
      Thank you very much!


      1. To link with dynamic library (*.so), you have to modify the LINKFLAGS as follows

        “-Wl, -rpath, /Absolute-path-to-LIBDIR/lib”])

        See this post
        Hope it helps.

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